He had me, possessed me, on the verge of owning me, at the climax of this thing;
The heart, the soul, the body he had;
with the mind continuously fixated upon him.
It was as if the Leaning Tower became aligned, and the ripples of the waters stood still;
Much like the river of Styx,
I was covered with the exception of my sin; my Achilles Heel.
He had me, obtained me, really had me invested in;
My mind was entangled through the illusions set forth, and tied my soul within.
It was as if the sun shined never-ending, and the moon had retired indefinitely;
Releasing the dew of the morning all hours of the day,
and All 12 months resembled March, April, and May.
He had me, retrieved me, had me falling as I stood;
Even when I tried to resist the strong hold, it did me no apparent good.
He had me where he held my heart to determine the fate it would assume;
He broke my heart over continents that detached like the Pangaea theory- left much room.
He had me then he released his hold, but the grip was accustomed to my heart;
It became automatic much like breathing, but he never understood that part.
Withdrawal took place from the hold he had and I met a hold with much more strength;
Now, I am in a battle between two holds, but I rather keep my soul and sacrifice the asked tenth.
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