Every single person in this life entertains a relationship of some sort. Whether it's in the capacity of family, friends, intimate, working, or even marriage, relationships are a normalcy to all beings.
Ladies, we all have that girlfriend that we call whenever something good or bad happens, just to say "GIIIIIIIIRRRRRLLLL, you won't believe what happened!" In times of heartache, despair, and happiness we call that girlfriend with no reservation to request an ear. Day or night that girlfriend is who we reach out to. Even with the fellas, they have their "boy" or their best friend that they call up to discuss an issue or ask an opinion of. No matter day or night, if you are in need, you call that friend to have your back. The thing we do not realize is, God tells us in His word, "Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect those who know my name. When they call to me, I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble, I will rescue them and honor them. With long life I will satisfy them, and show them my salvation." (Psalm 91:14-16). Trust I am not saying to release your friendships, but what I am advising is that we learn to reach out in the same manner to God.
I restate, relationships are not a bad thing. They are loving, protecting, and soothing at times. However, one thing that they are not is perfect. In most cases they are not everlasting. Even though we know these factors, we continue to trust rely and lean on those same relationships. We must realize however, just as it states in Proverbs 18:24, "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." If you are not sure who this refers to, it is talking about our Savior.
I ponder, and now pose the question, "why can we put so much faith, love, and trust in our relationships (which is fine), but we have issues trusting a perfect and all powerful God?"
From heartache, pain, trouble, sickness, gains, progression, and happiness, God is always there. He promised to never leave nor forsake us. With all this being known, I appeal to all that we strengthen our relationship with God.
Our relationship with Him should be as common and comfortable as we are with our friends and family. I know when I pray or even just talk to God, I talk to Him in complete dialogue. When problems arise we reach for our two-ways, and cell phones instead of reaching for our bibles and lifting our voices upward.
A true relationship can only be found with our Awesome Father. A relationship with no conditions, motives, and aims. The only aim is to offer to salvation. A relationship with God will never stab you in the back, and never walk away from you. A relationship with God won't pick up the phone and tell others what you have entrusted in Him. A relationship with God doesn't lie on you. A relationship with God is constant and trusting.
I have learned that God is true to everything He says. He is not a man that He should lie. Believe in His word, trust Him, and the next time you are riding in the car, at home alone, or just in a moment alone; Have a talk with God and see how fulfilling it can be. A relationship above all others; A true relationship.
The pen just had to testify!
God bless!
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