He thought I did not notice his eyes wandering in my direction;
But, unless I had a peep whole attached to my anatomy, he had to know I observed his every suspicion.
It wasn’t just HIM whose heart throbbed like a obese man’s hypertension,
But I too raised a brow when I observed his outward dimension.
It was as if the room stood still, and only we obtained a kinetic state;
Realizing that in reality, all moved, but in an upward motion did go my heart rate!
He was like the Strait of Gibraltar, I knew he’d lead to something with much more substance;
A stride so commanding;
A heart understanding;
A mind in a higher realm;
Embrace you, but never overwhelm.
A voice with possessed strength;
Even possessing only a dollar he’ll give his asked tenth.
Yea, that’s what I saw in HIM.
He was a man with a stance much like the Eiffel Tower;
He stood there with a magnetic presence that contained much power.
A strong black man with an almond skin hue;
Awaiting, praying to the Most High that it would be me that he’d positively subdue.
He thought I seemed familiar as we acquainted ourselves;
However, I was amazed of the likeness of our entities, and stories shared off our lives’ shelves.
It was as if he died and was reincarnated as my own ear;
Regurgitating the information of my own deepest secrets.
Hesitating, not to scare HIM away;
not realizing I already had HIM just as a calendar’s weekday.
He finally approached me as my heart began to race;
He reached out his hand and gave a slight “hello” dead in my face.
I responded with a “hey” myself answering every question given unto me;
Ladies give me an Amen, if you know my stomach was as rocky as the Mediterranean Sea.
I told HIM that I lost my will to trust in men that came my way;
In a father, any male capacity I was failed as the night overtakes the day.
He told me that I wasn’t alone for he feared emotions too;
Telling me, “Men aren’t the only ones who hurt you, women can fail just like men do.”
We talked more and more about the insecurities that life had added unto us;
As he began to tell me more I could feel my heart thrust.
He told me that he was interested in my mind spirit and soul;
Not to be confused with the other lies that previous men told.
You see he wanted a Proverbs 31 woman, ladies do you hear what I say?
A woman that was his helpmate, and not just sticking around for payday.
I whole heartedly agreed with all he dreamed to have;
For I wanted a man that walked that same path.
A man who knew God’s plan would always occur,
That he needed a woman so hidden in Christ, he would have to go through God to find her.
I want a man that is God’s man and never acts before he prays;
Understanding that we all fall short, I still need someone who mirrors His ways.
A head of my household, a father to my seed;
You see I need a man who gives before he even sees the need.
One who lets me walk with HIM, knowing he would lead the life;
I need a man who doesn’t want a “baby mama” but what he wants is a wife.
The HIM I saw provoked my future to flash before my eyes;
Seeing what could be, allowed my intuition to rise.
It was told, HER thoughts and expressions laid out before you,
So, I had to let the pen testify about HIM in this…Part II.
"The pen just had to testify!"
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