I was riding through the city of Tallahassee, and of course there are numerous advertising boards throughout the limits. But as I headed home, I saw a sign outside of this church that stopped me in my tracks. It read: Proverbs 16:9. "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Someone should have thanked God for this passage because I know how it feels to have question marks in life's paths.
In this life we all have dreams, and aspirations for ourselves. Sometimes we are so driven that when we hit rock bottom, or fall below the "success line" that we've individually set for ourselves, we fall apart. The thing we must understand is that it's not a mistake; God creates the paths for us to travel, our job is to just walk.
Take your mind back with me for just a moment. If you have ever gotten a house built, the builder builds the house from a blueprint. That blueprint is a guideline that he must follow. It gives him instruction on the "How's" and the "In what ways." Just as this blueprint guides the builder, God has set out a blueprint for us to follow in this Christian journey.
Proverbs 3:5 tells us to "Trust in the Lord God with all thine heart and lean not into our own understanding." Often, we may lean into our understanding in spite of what the passage instructs us to do. Because of the decisions we make, we find ourselves lost and confused. However, if we remain steadfast, and allow God to move, we will never fail.
God is the potter, we are the clay. Never have I seen or heard of the clay telling the potter how it chooses to be created. Therefore, simply put, know your place!
I thank God daily for His plan of perfection. Although we may not see it when we are in our waiting state, God has a plan for us. Understand that He will give you the desires of your heart, however He also knows when and where they are to be granted for the best results. Just as vegetation has seasons to be planted, and seasons to present harvest, Christians have seasons. Stay planted in God, for your harvest will be reaped with abundance.
Finance...pluck it up!
School/Degrees...pluck it up!
Healing...pluck it up!
Deliverance...pluck it up!
Whatever you need and desire- plant it in Christ, wait, and Pluck it up!
Peace and love, the pen just had to testify!
I wholeheartedly agree with every word spoken, every sentiment expressed. Even though I am a woeful sinner I truly believe there are are seasons of harvest. The bible speaks upon this.
ReplyDelete...and what can I say about the gospel song playing in the background? Classic gospel song.
Thanks for sharing.
May God bless you! We all are sinners, however we must continue to press toward the mark...Thank you for commenting.Peace and Love!