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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Empty Prayers

When we venture out into the world's endeavors, we find that there are many instruction manuals, guides, and rules that must be followed for successful solutions to be retrieved. Whether it is an educational experience, how to play a game, or even to prepare a dish, there are instructions. With all this being true, we as Christians must realize that there is a certain guideline we must follow to add substance to our prayers.

In Matthew 6:9-13, it tells us what to pray. However, just as the English language is given to us, and different ethnic groups place their spin on its vernacular, that's how The Lord's Prayer is. We must place a remix on our prayers to personalize, energized, and centralize our prayers.

The bible tells us in Matthew 7:7 "ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened." So, then, if this is how we have been directed, why do we spend our time wandering aimlessly in the realm of negativity? We block our own prayers by continuously revisiting our personal illnesses, losses, and obstacles instead of focusing on a gain.

Take your minds back to when we were children. We always needed things and wanted things. We asked and asked for things left, and right. Majority of the time it was granted. But, O when we received what we asked for, and remembered to say "thank you mom/dad. Even if it were not by words, but action, when we did that our parents were more prone to giving us what we asked for in the future. The bible tells us in Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." We need to learn to reverse, eliminate, and add some things in our prayers. How do u ask for something before even expressing thanks for what was previously given? If we begin our prayers with words and cries of thanksgiving just imagine how our awesome Father will feel blessing us once more. He doesn't need us to stroke his ego, trust me. Just as we read in Genesis, whenever he created parts of the world as we know it he would say "it was good." So trust, God can applaud himself. However, we appear more dedicated and faithful when we glorify him. This adds substance to the prayer.

Who knew emptiness could feel so heavy. This may be a deep statement, however it is just plain simple: emptiness is heavy because without substance we lose sight of God. We've lost the call that he answers to. Let's revive and stir up the void that's present.

James 4:3, tells us that we must have the correct motives for our prayers. We should not pray for things out of greed, and malicious motives. However, pray for things in the will of God. Pray for things money can't buy and man cannot provide. Pray with a whole heart, a compassionate heart, and a righteous heart.

To collectively bring this together, let's all try to revise some things in our dialogue with God. We must become more aware of the things we ask for. Most of all, develop a pray that brings God's presence around you while speaking. Lastly, understand that praying to God is a dialogue; not only do we need to talk to him, but we also must meditate and listen for God's reply.

Be blessed!

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