There was a Paramount Pictures Production in 2006 entitled “Failure to Launch.” This movie starred Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker. Now, I have not fully seen this movie, but the title served more of a purpose than for the movie if we take a closer look.
In our day to day journey, we face many obstacles in life that take on a parachute-like power over us. Now, someone is probably wondering what I mean by this. To break it down, place your mind on that of a person about to jump out of a plane. Now, when they jump they receive an invigorating experience that some has even called a rush. The thing about this is, the rush is short-lived because the moment comes that they have to yank on this pulley that releases this parachute. Now, once this parachute is released, the person immediately springs up quickly , followed by a slow downfall to the ground.
Now, revert back to my words so that I can break this down. Although we are not that person that jumps out of a plane, we carry out those same motions in our mundane strides. Whether it is in our careers, education, family, relationships, finances, whatever the case may be, we come in contact with these parachute-like powers. As a career oriented person, you climb the corporate ladder, and when you are on top of your game you feel as if you cannot be touch. However, that day comes when you don’t give a compelling presentation as the past instances, or a new kid on the block comes and is “stealing your shine.” What happens then? What happens is, that flesh steps in and the parachute-like power comes and takes your mind off the ladder God placed for you to climb. What use to be a confident walk, talk, and presence now becomes doubt, distress, and fleshful acts. The thing we fail to realize is that while we are wallowing in our depression, we are implementing that “parachute- like power” on ourselves. Just because God gives you an alternate route to reach the destination, does not mean that you give up and lose faith. Do not victimize yourself, know that God has a reason. Detach that parachute so you can continue climbing that corporate ladder in the way God intended.I want to shed light on a small detail about the parachute-like power that I forgot to mention, and you as the reader may have missed. When the parachute is pulled, one is immediately forced upward. This is how we mislead ourselves and end up deterring from the path God intended.
We will travel roads that aren’t set out for us all because they appear to reap positive benefits. However, this is how the parachute-like power steps in because it takes you upward before it drives you under the ground. Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.
The blame game is a common game played by many of us daily. If things aren’t going our way, we wont seek God for assistance, instead we point the finger. My family, my friends, my finances, and the most famous one; I am a product of my environment. We have gotten things mixed up. The problem lies within ourselves. We have not because we ask not. In the book of Matthew, we are told to ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, and knock on the door and it shall be opened unto you. However, we allow that parachute to hinder us time and time again. We are so busy trying to open doors that aren’t good for us, entering doors before knocking, and trying to enter places that don’t even posses a door. It is also amazing how we mistake the action of seeking for looking. There is a major difference. In seeking the things we ask God for, we must pray, fast, and listen while God answers. However, we resort to looking, the generic version of seeking, all because it's easier, requires less time, and allows us to lean in our own understanding. We continue to stay on lower levels because we do not take God’s promises seriously. And that my friend is no one’s fault but our own.
It is easy being mediocre, however, God wants us to excel and reach greater heights. We are failing to launch everyday because we get comfortable in our present states. Realize that God is pleased when we do the things he asks of us, and then and only then will we receive those blessings. Focus your mind on this passage; Nehemiah 8:10 Tells us that “the joy of the Lord is my strength.” Some missed the blessing in this passage. The JOY of the Lord is my strength. This means every time God sees us doing the things he asks of us, he is overjoyed. When we praise him in the midst of adversity, God is overjoyed. When we bless those that curse us, God is overjoyed. And what happens is, that joy meter raises up, and as it raises he blesses us. Now, those blessings are the source of that strength. He gets so happy with seeing us praise Him in all circumstances that he strengthens us more and more. Try it for yourself….He is not a man that he should lie.
To sum all this up, do not travel this life wandering aimlessly trying to figure out this journey on your own. When that is done, you run into the parachute-like powers that come to bring you down. The biggest part of this, if you do not leave with anything else, EVERYTHING we need is all in God hands. When we please God we are making our blessings greater. However, to receive Him, and these blessings, we must remember this thing; As said in Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” God doesn’t want luke warm followers. Believe in him, trust him, and do not be hindered by those parachute-like powers. When you realize and administer these things to your life, you will prepare for take off.
God bless!
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