We have all witnessed storms. Rainstorms, tropical storms, thunderstorms, or maybe even snow storms. We have seen the winds blow, heard the rain fall, seen the lightening flash, and all the components that come with a storm-we‘ve experienced. In these events, when we witness these storm, or they begin to form, we as a people take cover in our homes, or in nearest shelter.
Now, storms that we experience can be light or strong, but I think we all can agree that there is nothing more powerful than going through the storms in our lives. The storms begin to rage in our relationships, finances, health, and every entity that exists in our lives, and we ask the question “why?” The rain begins to fall in the same sequence with tears, and we ask “why?” The thunder begins to roar in the midst of our successes, and we ask “why?” Now, some say there is an issue in asking God why, however, I believe that if God is the bearer of all the answers, the Alpha and Omega, the all and all, then why is it that we cannot ask Him a question? In class, what good is the teacher if we cannot ask a question? What good is the doctor if we cannot ask a question about our health? Do not get me wrong, God can determine whether he will answer or not, show you or not, and when and where this “Ah-Ha” moment will take place. But if you have a relationship with the most high, I do not see the problem, and I know God does not mind for his child to ask him why.
It has been said that if we do not want to know the answer to questions, do not ask them. Furthermore, if we do not want to find something, don’t go looking for it. It is a common law that has been place forth by society. However, if you ask me, this also applies to God’s purpose for our lives. When the storms of life rage, and we can’t find our way; When things seem grim and we can’t see the sunshine anywhere, and we ask God why, we must be prepared for the answers. Not only the answers, but to be able to submit, step aside and let God to what he does best.
The biggest thing about a storm is that we never know when it is coming. Sometimes we can be walking outside, and the sun is shining and all of a sudden, the skies begin to turn grey. Now, this is exactly how the storms in our lives arise. We could be on the top of our careers, finances stable, health in good tact, and things are just pleasing to our eye, but just as things are going well, the skies turn grey. You lose your job, the doctor gives you a bad report, your friends turn their backs on you, and you begin to hang your head, and ask God why? Just in this moment, remember God wants you to remain faithful to his word. He wants us to remain steadfast even when things seem like they can’t be turned around. It is said in Isaiah 40:29 “He gives power to the weak. He increases the strength of him who has no might.” So, just when you think that things can’t get better remember what His word tell us.
Finally, the things we must realize about a storm is that we have to be prepared. I see often in cars, and homes, we all keep umbrellas, ponchos, and rain boots on deck. Even when the sun is brewing at its greatest heat, we make sure we have them in our midst. This is how God wants us to view his word (the Bible), and the teachings that have been given to us through preaching. What good is the umbrella when it rains, and we leave it in the car? What good are the rain boots if we step in the puddle without them on our feet? And just as all these rain accessories, what good is the word of God if we do not apply it to our lives?
The biggest glory we have; and somebody should begin thanking God as they read this is; Just as storms hit Florida, New Orleans, Texas, and numerous places, they sent out the storm relief foundation of the American Red Cross. But OH! In the same measure, when we experience the storms in our lives, you need to remember the TRUE CROSS! Just as the song states;
“At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,And the burden of my heart rolled away,It was there by faith I received my sight,And now I am happy all the day!”
So, my friend, No matter the storm of sickness, no matter the thunder of those lying on you, regardless of the lightning of heartache, God is preparing you to go higher. When the toughest of the tough storms brew, and they run their course, it is known that the sun is the next thing to follow. Somebody should thank God in that moment. Do not be confused about who kept you through your storms. You are just a single “THANK YOU JESUS” from a break through; a “PRAISE YOUR NAME” from a healing; a “HALLELUJAH” from a blow your mind experience. No matter the storms that arise, and exist, know that God has equipped you, has a purpose for this storm, and is awaiting to bless you when you make it out of it.
God bless you!
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