OK, so I was inspired to speak upon a prevalent issue due to some sequence of events that occurred recently. Therefore, it is time to let the pen testify.
I will refer to woman as an object rather than a person as I break this down. Woman is a strong, independent, and intelligent entity of this world where we reside. Made by God’s own precious hands, woman was intricately, and purposefully made in the way that she is. However, the problem arises when woman allows the “traits of virus” to come into play.
Now, let me digress for a moment to explain “traits of virus.” A virus is a microscopic infectious agent that can reproduce only inside a host cell. The word microscopic is important, because most of the time these traits are picked up without even the smallest notification. Whether it is by what has been seen, or societies inhabitants, these traits sink into the pattern of woman. Woman, being the host that this virus preys on, becomes the victim of this plague.
There are just a couple of scenarios I would like to expound on to further explain the nature of this conversation. First, and a big one, The Stance of Insecurities. Now, before I explain further, let me state that I am aware all beings possess insecurities. Readers, you know when you try to make a point, someone brings forth preconceived notions as if the writer didn’t take the whole picture under consideration. Ok, so now that we are clear about that, why is it that if woman is strong, independent, and has the “I am woman hear me roar mentality” she feels as if she is inadequate? Her inadequacies exist mainly when A) in a female forum where a myriad of women are present, or B) Another woman is in close proximity of a male. Instead of changing the things that make her insecure, she negatively responds to those around her in different ways. Yo, seriously I am gonna need us to rise above that. If it is your weight, lose it, or be proud of it. If it is your hair, weave it up, cut it, wax it, or be content with it. Your clothes? Hire a stylist, pay attention to magazines, and what‘s “in“, or for goodness sake just wear the pre-made outfit on the manikins outside the stores. Whatever you do, stop lashing out on the ladies in the midst of you because there is an internal issue. As far as point B is concerned; sweeties, I am going to need us to truly get a grip when it comes to trusting and interacting with our men. Do not allow your insecurities to cloud your judgment of trust and loyalty with your companion. And for heavens sake, PLEASE do not lash out on the females that we think are “trying to steal our men” just because we don’t measure up in our own eyes.
Scenario number two, The Crab in the Bucket Mentality. Women we need to stop having this crab in a bucket mentality amongst ourselves. It is just something that preys on our host over and over in this arena. For instance, a new girl walks in the room with a group of ladies already sitting there. She is decked down, walking with confidence, and head is held high. However, instead of saying “go head girl” or “ she better do it” what is it that we say? Go ahead ladies tell me? Well, I’ll tell you, we quickly suck our teeth roll our necks and say “she think she all that” or “what she got on” even “who does she think she is?” In all actuality, we do not know what she thinks. Ladies we must get out of that mindset.
I was walking in the airport, and if you know me I am a lover of shoes. While waiting at baggage claim I stand and glance at all the advertisement on the walls. Now, clearly I was interrupted by a face looking me up and down, and stayed on my shoes an extended amount of time. When she decided to retire from paying attention to me, another lady said “Girl, those shoes are BAD!” I told her thanks, and as I did, I saw the neck roll affectionately known as “turkey neck” take place. Now, some might say, “how do you know she was doing that to you?” Glad you asked. I know because as she rolled her neck, I heard her say to a friend “her shoes ain’t all that!” That was definitely not necessary. If they weren’t all that, she definitely took 10 minutes staring to figure that out.
I’m going to tie this all up. However, I need to bring a spiritual remix to my previous statements. Now, in Romans 12:3 it reads, "Try to have a sane estimate of your capabilities by the light of the faith that God has given to you all." Regardless of what we think we are, or we feel we are not, we must grasp a tangible definition of our being. This definition should not be defined by others, society, or any other person, but you in the guidelines of God. If we as women form a united front in the place of a forum of dissention, there would be a power exuded to progress and conquer.
Dwell on it...Give feedback. My pen just had to testify.
Be blessed!
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