If we pay attention to all the things that makes up our lives, every entity contains protocol. Take a closer look, there is a certain attire that we must obtain in different realms of our dwelling. If one were to attend a formal event, it is customary and understood that evening gowns and tuxedos would be worn. Furthermore, when a football player prepares for a game, he wears a helmet, pads, jersey and pants, along with cleats. All these things are necessary in the respects that they are worn. So, riddle me this; would it not seem weird or wrong for a football player to wear a basketball player’s uniform? Moreover, a person to wear jeans to a black tie event? I know that you are probably wondering, “what point is she trying to make?” Well, the point is quite simple. If there is a designated attire to assume in our mundane schedules, why do we as Christians overlook the main attire that should be worn; The Whole Amour of God.
Ephesians 6:10-17 explains the whole amour of God plain and simple. It reads; “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.“ It then goes further to explain what the breakdown of the amour is. “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
Everyday we encounter things that throw us off our paths, and we feel as if we weren’t prepared for different spiritual warfare in our lives. It is easy to want to lay down and give up, however we must realize that God has prepared us, molded us, and guarded us with the safest gear to face any stronghold.
The belt of truth is the most centralized piece of amour that we as a soldier will wear. It is said that just as the belt is central to the armor of God, the written Word of God is central to all that pertains to spiritual warfare. So, when things aren’t going our way, it seems as if others are winning and receiving and you are not, stay true to God, stay truthful to His teachings because you will soon reap a harvest that you would never be able to imagine.
The Breastplate was said to be a true work of art. Each breastplate was custom made for the soldier that was to wear it. Now, this spoke volumes to me because it attest to the fact that God knew His children would undergo different issues, and multiple battles that weren’t the same as the next soldier. He also knew that although made in His likeness, we were not made the same for a reason. Every battle, illness, relationship, heartache, every single path would be different. God is just amazing like that. It discovered that although pleasing in appearance, the breastplate was very functional, and it protected the heart and other vital organs from penetration through its metal shell. Someone should thank God in this moment if you have received the blessing in this that I have. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. There are some people that only have motives to harm you, and to take you off the path of God. With that breastplate you seem like you are perfect, everything is in order, and that you are easily broken and delicate. Oh, but if you just place on that breastplate of righteousness, the enemy will NEVER be able to penetrate through. You will always prevail.
The word tells us that God said “Go into all the world, and preach the gospel. We have been instructed to prepare our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Place on the shoes of combat, so you’ll be provided with a leveled stance. Not only this, but when your feet are fitted with the gospel of peace, you will be able to remain steadfast in times of despair. Immovable in times of heartache. Unaltered in times of frustration, weakness, and doubt. You will be able to make every rocky place plain, and realize that the ground you travel will be ignited with God’s grace.
My favorite entity; take upon yourselves the shield of faith. We all know that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. With the shield of faith, we will be able to ward off all bullets of the evil that has motives to harm us. The shield of faith is said to be movable. This is for the simple purpose of deflecting attacks no matter which direction they come from. We all are aware that the devil is relentless. If he is not able to get to you directly, he will definitely look to harm you from an alternate angle. Therefore, build up your faith. The word tell us that faith comes by hearing the word of God.
Lastly, take your helmet of salvation and your sword of the spirit, which is God’s word. Now, the helmet has been told to be the most noticeable piece to this amour. This is to ward off all things that come to make us lose control over our own thought processes. Sometimes, the things in life come a mile a minute and we do not know where to turn. We have all been in that place where we literally thought our mind had been lost never to return to sanity. Bills are due with no money in the bank, that child won’t cat right, you lost the one you loved, friend stabbed you in the back. Do not allow the enemy to take over your mind. Place your helmet of salvation over your mind so that it can continually stay fixated upon God. The sword of the spirit brings all of this together. The sword is light weighted but carries a mighty blow. This explains how when the enemy tries to make you feel inferior by releasing demeaning and broken thoughts in your ear, if you just lay the word of God on them it all ceases. You see sometimes the sword does not even have to be swung unto the enemy, its mere presence can ward off the enemies attack. However, understand that the sword is no good if you do not know how to swing it. In other words, if you do not study your word and understand, it is of no help while in your possession.
I am a lover of clothes, shoes, and all things in fashion that make me look good, presentable, and appealing when I step out in public. However, in my short life I have learned that there is no better outfit with style, relevance, and protection than the Whole amour of God. Lastly, remember that we must carry all of these pieces with us. We would never wear a shirt with no pants, nor a hat with no shoes. So, just as this seems unorthodox, acquiring one piece of the amour without the other does as well. Dwell on it. The pen just had to testify.
God bless!
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