Well, the present day is not the only example of the "crab in the bucket mentality." This began to take place way before we even walked this earth. If we can recall,in the book of Daniel the 6th Chapter, Daniel was appointed a supervisor over the 120 rulers that were chosen by King Darius to rule over the kingdom. Because Daniel possessed qualities that were said to be exceptional, the King planned to make him supervisor over the whole Kingdom. Well, how many of us know that the other rulers and supervisor became jealous, and tried to find some dirt on Daniel to sabotage his promotion. They tried harder and harder to find somethings against Daniel, however Daniel showed himself worthy over and over.
Now, the rulers were relentless in their efforts, and they came up with an idea. They knew that Daniel was loyal to God so they decided to have King Darius make a decree that no man could pray to any man or god other than Darius for 30 days. King Darius proceeded with their idea after being butter up so greatly by the rulers.
Daniel learned of this decree, and yet and still prayed to God three times a day in his room. Not only did he pray, he prayed in the opened with no shame. The word tells me that he prayed in the room where the windows opened up towards Jerusalem. Well, the rulers saw Daniel praying and reported this to the King. The King ordered Daniel to the lions den, and makes the statement "May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you." Now, let's put a pen in that...
In life we have all been in a place where we try our hardest to just live our lives and there is someone that deems it necessary to break us down. On the job, in school, the community, friend, even family try to destroy you. You find yourself wondering why. Just as Daniel tried to live right, when he was getting ready to be promoted, others could not be happy for him. Instead, they had to find a way to ruin him.
Daniel, regardless of the decree prayed to God as he knew he should. How many of us would have taken the same stand? We are tested daily on the things we know that are not in the will of God, and sad to say, some of us fail miserably. We are with our friends, and they decide to go somewhere we all know we shouldn't, however we go because we don't wanna seem "lame" or have them call us a punk. We hide our religion because those around us don't seem to be as spiritually sound as we are. Or maybe we compromise our salvation because we are looking for that promotion at work and instead of praying for God to elevate us, we go against our morals just to get the job. It happens everyday.
Now, the rulers could not wait to get back and tell the King that Daniel was praying in the midst of the decree. It does not say it, but I'm sure they ran all the way there just to tell Darius. People in life will lurk, stay around you, and have negative motives to find you in the wrong just to take it back to your superior to harm you. Always be in a position like Daniel; Do right so you'll never be wrong. The bible tells us, to be found blameless.
Now, let's pick the pen back up...They placed Daniel in the den and a stone over the opening. That night King Darius could not eat or sleep. Early the next morning, he went to the den and called out to Daniel saying "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually rescued you yet." Daniel replied, "O king, live forever! My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, O king." The King ordered that Daniel be removed from the lions den and when he was, he had no wounds anywhere. He then threw all those that falsely accused Daniel in the lion's den, and created a new decree that everyone must fear and reverence the true and living God. Now, this is true evidence that just as it says in Romans 14:11 "Every knee shall bow, and every tongue must confess that He is Lord."
In life, we are all going to find ourselves in the lion's den. Our lion's den could be in our careers, families, relationships, finances, or even in our health. How will we respond? Will we turn our backs, forget our faith, and fail to trust the Most High? Or will we, like Daniel believe in God's word and His promises. Will we stand boldly in the midst of adversity, and when we stand alone? Or will we conform to the ideas and wishes of others so that we can get the promotion that we desire?
I have come to let you know that all things work together for the good of them who love the Lord. God will never leave us nor forsake us. The thing we must realize is that we can't leave Him. Sometimes we may have to stand alone on this journey with God. But trust me God + 1= THE MAJORITY! (Now that's a serious equation) Furthermore, there is no greater promotion that one will receive than when we stand before the Father in heaven. I do not care what your earthy status may be, my word tells me in Matthew 16:26, "What profit a man nothing to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" Trust me I want my promotion at the gate.
Understand that we may be thrown in the lion's den by close friends, family, and others in the world, but if we trust in God, and believe in His promises, we will always come out unharmed, unwounded and prosperous just as Daniel did.
The pen just had to testify!
God bless!
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