It is something about the name of Jesus that just makes the broken soul whole, just as His name slips from our lips. That name of Jesus discontinues tears that run like a fountain. The name of Jesus allows all of us a healing in the midst of all pains and heartache. The problem we have is, we wait until we are waist deep in the issue to ask God for help.
We must stop having our pity parties and understand that we have God within us and around us. In times of trouble he will bring us out. In the midst of heartache, he will provide a mending to that pain. In the midst of sickness He will be better than any doctor that exists. When finances are not in order, God will allow your account to over flow. We just have to understand the things we have been promised. He is not a man that He should lie.
Reclaim your strength, reclaim your faith, and reclaim all that that God has instilled in you. What good is knowing what God has in store for us if we never tap into it? It is hard, indeed it is, to remember the teachings of God when obstacles are in our way. However, that is the time that God is building us up and making us stronger in this walk with Him.
Keep your head up! Understand that God only wants the best for us. When people or things come to try to steal your joy, just look to them and say "IT IS NOT SO!" Learn to speak against the enemy. The enemy is no more stronger than you are when you tap into the faith that God wants you to build up! God is amazing! Truly beyond it. Oh please taste and see how good He can be. I promise you, you will be hooked!
The pen just had to testify!
God Bless!
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