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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Letting Go To Receive

We wander around the world daily awaiting our blessings. Over and over we wonder "well, Lord when are you gonna come through?" The problem is, how can God fill us up with blessings when we are already at our capacity level with the things we will not let go.
Someone on this day desires more in the lives. Many of us desire a release to the things that hold us back, and would rather embrace progression. There is an answer to these hopes; LET IT ALL GO!!!! We have got to release those things that are holding us down. Can a boat with an anchor thrown out behind it be ascended? No, not unless the anchor is pulled back in so the boat is not weighed down.
There is someone broken today; release the severed state and ask God to mend you. It shall be. There is someone that is crying today; release those tears and ask God to dry them all. There is someone feeling guilt today; release that hold and ask God to help you find closure. Many are unsure today on many issues; release the unknown state and ask God for direction. There is a healing for every unfilled area we possess. We have to however release those things so that God has room to work.
Whatever you may be holding on to today has to be let go. The past can no long determine your future. Moreover, your present state is said to be a gift; Let's act as if it is such. Release the past guilt and pain. The word tells us in Philippians 3:13"… But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead." We will begin to progress as we let go of the anchor of negativity and anchor our souls in the Lord.
Reach out your hand and breathe on it. Go on....Breathe. Just as you saw nothing, however felt something, that is the way God works. Although you may not see it at times God is there ALWAYS. We must learn to be patient and allow Him to do what He does best.
Reach out your hand. Clinch the past. Throw it out and leave your hand there awaiting your blessings!
Then pen just had to testify!
God bless!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
How Will You Handle The Lion's Den

Well, the present day is not the only example of the "crab in the bucket mentality." This began to take place way before we even walked this earth. If we can recall,in the book of Daniel the 6th Chapter, Daniel was appointed a supervisor over the 120 rulers that were chosen by King Darius to rule over the kingdom. Because Daniel possessed qualities that were said to be exceptional, the King planned to make him supervisor over the whole Kingdom. Well, how many of us know that the other rulers and supervisor became jealous, and tried to find some dirt on Daniel to sabotage his promotion. They tried harder and harder to find somethings against Daniel, however Daniel showed himself worthy over and over.
Now, the rulers were relentless in their efforts, and they came up with an idea. They knew that Daniel was loyal to God so they decided to have King Darius make a decree that no man could pray to any man or god other than Darius for 30 days. King Darius proceeded with their idea after being butter up so greatly by the rulers.
Daniel learned of this decree, and yet and still prayed to God three times a day in his room. Not only did he pray, he prayed in the opened with no shame. The word tells me that he prayed in the room where the windows opened up towards Jerusalem. Well, the rulers saw Daniel praying and reported this to the King. The King ordered Daniel to the lions den, and makes the statement "May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you." Now, let's put a pen in that...
In life we have all been in a place where we try our hardest to just live our lives and there is someone that deems it necessary to break us down. On the job, in school, the community, friend, even family try to destroy you. You find yourself wondering why. Just as Daniel tried to live right, when he was getting ready to be promoted, others could not be happy for him. Instead, they had to find a way to ruin him.
Daniel, regardless of the decree prayed to God as he knew he should. How many of us would have taken the same stand? We are tested daily on the things we know that are not in the will of God, and sad to say, some of us fail miserably. We are with our friends, and they decide to go somewhere we all know we shouldn't, however we go because we don't wanna seem "lame" or have them call us a punk. We hide our religion because those around us don't seem to be as spiritually sound as we are. Or maybe we compromise our salvation because we are looking for that promotion at work and instead of praying for God to elevate us, we go against our morals just to get the job. It happens everyday.
Now, the rulers could not wait to get back and tell the King that Daniel was praying in the midst of the decree. It does not say it, but I'm sure they ran all the way there just to tell Darius. People in life will lurk, stay around you, and have negative motives to find you in the wrong just to take it back to your superior to harm you. Always be in a position like Daniel; Do right so you'll never be wrong. The bible tells us, to be found blameless.
Now, let's pick the pen back up...They placed Daniel in the den and a stone over the opening. That night King Darius could not eat or sleep. Early the next morning, he went to the den and called out to Daniel saying "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually rescued you yet." Daniel replied, "O king, live forever! My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, O king." The King ordered that Daniel be removed from the lions den and when he was, he had no wounds anywhere. He then threw all those that falsely accused Daniel in the lion's den, and created a new decree that everyone must fear and reverence the true and living God. Now, this is true evidence that just as it says in Romans 14:11 "Every knee shall bow, and every tongue must confess that He is Lord."
In life, we are all going to find ourselves in the lion's den. Our lion's den could be in our careers, families, relationships, finances, or even in our health. How will we respond? Will we turn our backs, forget our faith, and fail to trust the Most High? Or will we, like Daniel believe in God's word and His promises. Will we stand boldly in the midst of adversity, and when we stand alone? Or will we conform to the ideas and wishes of others so that we can get the promotion that we desire?
I have come to let you know that all things work together for the good of them who love the Lord. God will never leave us nor forsake us. The thing we must realize is that we can't leave Him. Sometimes we may have to stand alone on this journey with God. But trust me God + 1= THE MAJORITY! (Now that's a serious equation) Furthermore, there is no greater promotion that one will receive than when we stand before the Father in heaven. I do not care what your earthy status may be, my word tells me in Matthew 16:26, "What profit a man nothing to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" Trust me I want my promotion at the gate.
Understand that we may be thrown in the lion's den by close friends, family, and others in the world, but if we trust in God, and believe in His promises, we will always come out unharmed, unwounded and prosperous just as Daniel did.
The pen just had to testify!
God bless!
In Struggles You're Strengthened

It is something about the name of Jesus that just makes the broken soul whole, just as His name slips from our lips. That name of Jesus discontinues tears that run like a fountain. The name of Jesus allows all of us a healing in the midst of all pains and heartache. The problem we have is, we wait until we are waist deep in the issue to ask God for help.
We must stop having our pity parties and understand that we have God within us and around us. In times of trouble he will bring us out. In the midst of heartache, he will provide a mending to that pain. In the midst of sickness He will be better than any doctor that exists. When finances are not in order, God will allow your account to over flow. We just have to understand the things we have been promised. He is not a man that He should lie.
Reclaim your strength, reclaim your faith, and reclaim all that that God has instilled in you. What good is knowing what God has in store for us if we never tap into it? It is hard, indeed it is, to remember the teachings of God when obstacles are in our way. However, that is the time that God is building us up and making us stronger in this walk with Him.
Keep your head up! Understand that God only wants the best for us. When people or things come to try to steal your joy, just look to them and say "IT IS NOT SO!" Learn to speak against the enemy. The enemy is no more stronger than you are when you tap into the faith that God wants you to build up! God is amazing! Truly beyond it. Oh please taste and see how good He can be. I promise you, you will be hooked!
The pen just had to testify!
God Bless!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A True Relationship

Every single person in this life entertains a relationship of some sort. Whether it's in the capacity of family, friends, intimate, working, or even marriage, relationships are a normalcy to all beings.
Ladies, we all have that girlfriend that we call whenever something good or bad happens, just to say "GIIIIIIIIRRRRRLLLL, you won't believe what happened!" In times of heartache, despair, and happiness we call that girlfriend with no reservation to request an ear. Day or night that girlfriend is who we reach out to. Even with the fellas, they have their "boy" or their best friend that they call up to discuss an issue or ask an opinion of. No matter day or night, if you are in need, you call that friend to have your back. The thing we do not realize is, God tells us in His word, "Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect those who know my name. When they call to me, I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble, I will rescue them and honor them. With long life I will satisfy them, and show them my salvation." (Psalm 91:14-16). Trust I am not saying to release your friendships, but what I am advising is that we learn to reach out in the same manner to God.
I restate, relationships are not a bad thing. They are loving, protecting, and soothing at times. However, one thing that they are not is perfect. In most cases they are not everlasting. Even though we know these factors, we continue to trust rely and lean on those same relationships. We must realize however, just as it states in Proverbs 18:24, "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." If you are not sure who this refers to, it is talking about our Savior.
I ponder, and now pose the question, "why can we put so much faith, love, and trust in our relationships (which is fine), but we have issues trusting a perfect and all powerful God?"
From heartache, pain, trouble, sickness, gains, progression, and happiness, God is always there. He promised to never leave nor forsake us. With all this being known, I appeal to all that we strengthen our relationship with God.
Our relationship with Him should be as common and comfortable as we are with our friends and family. I know when I pray or even just talk to God, I talk to Him in complete dialogue. When problems arise we reach for our two-ways, and cell phones instead of reaching for our bibles and lifting our voices upward.
A true relationship can only be found with our Awesome Father. A relationship with no conditions, motives, and aims. The only aim is to offer to salvation. A relationship with God will never stab you in the back, and never walk away from you. A relationship with God won't pick up the phone and tell others what you have entrusted in Him. A relationship with God doesn't lie on you. A relationship with God is constant and trusting.
I have learned that God is true to everything He says. He is not a man that He should lie. Believe in His word, trust Him, and the next time you are riding in the car, at home alone, or just in a moment alone; Have a talk with God and see how fulfilling it can be. A relationship above all others; A true relationship.
The pen just had to testify!
God bless!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Is There a Yes in your Spirit?

In life, we meet various experiences face to face. Sometimes theses experiences are difficult, scary, and maybe even undefined to us. However, the notion we must realize and understand is that, the way you approach a situation has a huge affect on the outcome. Think back, and remember a time where you had to attend a forum of some sort. You may have been leery about going, and maybe even considered staying at home. However, you told yourself to go and that everything would turn out fine. You get to the forum, and you had the time of your life. This is mainly because you changed your attitude about the whole situation.
In life, there will be times that God places us in jobs, relationships, financial statuses, and various situation just to see how we will respond. Recall when David was placed within 3 feet of Goliath. He could have ran, and said "Ununh! I am not going to face him." However, he had a yes in his spirit, and an "I can" in his notion. That made all the difference. Also, think back on Paul, and Job; They both went through things where they didn't understand how God was working in their life. They even doubted in a moment. But Oh when they entrusted their faith back into the Most High, and presented a "Yes" in their spirit, God stepped in and made a way. He never gives the vision without a provision. We just add division within us because we refuse to wait. We must remember just as the words of Swindoll, "The most significant decision I make each day is my choice of an attitude. When my attitudes are right there's no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme and no challenge too great." Attitude is key!
I have not come to be complex, nor have I written to go in depth with my words. However, I am just trying to appeal to everyone that a willing, and believing spirit can make a difference in every situation. Numerous times we wonder why the smallest, weakest, and least known person gets placed in positions we should have gotten. Before we pass judgement, Check your face, check your attitude, and check your spirit. Then ask yourself; "Does a Yes reside there?"
The pen just had to testify!
God bless!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Whole Armor of God

If we pay attention to all the things that makes up our lives, every entity contains protocol. Take a closer look, there is a certain attire that we must obtain in different realms of our dwelling. If one were to attend a formal event, it is customary and understood that evening gowns and tuxedos would be worn. Furthermore, when a football player prepares for a game, he wears a helmet, pads, jersey and pants, along with cleats. All these things are necessary in the respects that they are worn. So, riddle me this; would it not seem weird or wrong for a football player to wear a basketball player’s uniform? Moreover, a person to wear jeans to a black tie event? I know that you are probably wondering, “what point is she trying to make?” Well, the point is quite simple. If there is a designated attire to assume in our mundane schedules, why do we as Christians overlook the main attire that should be worn; The Whole Amour of God.
Ephesians 6:10-17 explains the whole amour of God plain and simple. It reads; “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.“ It then goes further to explain what the breakdown of the amour is. “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
Everyday we encounter things that throw us off our paths, and we feel as if we weren’t prepared for different spiritual warfare in our lives. It is easy to want to lay down and give up, however we must realize that God has prepared us, molded us, and guarded us with the safest gear to face any stronghold.
The belt of truth is the most centralized piece of amour that we as a soldier will wear. It is said that just as the belt is central to the armor of God, the written Word of God is central to all that pertains to spiritual warfare. So, when things aren’t going our way, it seems as if others are winning and receiving and you are not, stay true to God, stay truthful to His teachings because you will soon reap a harvest that you would never be able to imagine.
The Breastplate was said to be a true work of art. Each breastplate was custom made for the soldier that was to wear it. Now, this spoke volumes to me because it attest to the fact that God knew His children would undergo different issues, and multiple battles that weren’t the same as the next soldier. He also knew that although made in His likeness, we were not made the same for a reason. Every battle, illness, relationship, heartache, every single path would be different. God is just amazing like that. It discovered that although pleasing in appearance, the breastplate was very functional, and it protected the heart and other vital organs from penetration through its metal shell. Someone should thank God in this moment if you have received the blessing in this that I have. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. There are some people that only have motives to harm you, and to take you off the path of God. With that breastplate you seem like you are perfect, everything is in order, and that you are easily broken and delicate. Oh, but if you just place on that breastplate of righteousness, the enemy will NEVER be able to penetrate through. You will always prevail.
The word tells us that God said “Go into all the world, and preach the gospel. We have been instructed to prepare our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Place on the shoes of combat, so you’ll be provided with a leveled stance. Not only this, but when your feet are fitted with the gospel of peace, you will be able to remain steadfast in times of despair. Immovable in times of heartache. Unaltered in times of frustration, weakness, and doubt. You will be able to make every rocky place plain, and realize that the ground you travel will be ignited with God’s grace.
My favorite entity; take upon yourselves the shield of faith. We all know that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. With the shield of faith, we will be able to ward off all bullets of the evil that has motives to harm us. The shield of faith is said to be movable. This is for the simple purpose of deflecting attacks no matter which direction they come from. We all are aware that the devil is relentless. If he is not able to get to you directly, he will definitely look to harm you from an alternate angle. Therefore, build up your faith. The word tell us that faith comes by hearing the word of God.
Lastly, take your helmet of salvation and your sword of the spirit, which is God’s word. Now, the helmet has been told to be the most noticeable piece to this amour. This is to ward off all things that come to make us lose control over our own thought processes. Sometimes, the things in life come a mile a minute and we do not know where to turn. We have all been in that place where we literally thought our mind had been lost never to return to sanity. Bills are due with no money in the bank, that child won’t cat right, you lost the one you loved, friend stabbed you in the back. Do not allow the enemy to take over your mind. Place your helmet of salvation over your mind so that it can continually stay fixated upon God. The sword of the spirit brings all of this together. The sword is light weighted but carries a mighty blow. This explains how when the enemy tries to make you feel inferior by releasing demeaning and broken thoughts in your ear, if you just lay the word of God on them it all ceases. You see sometimes the sword does not even have to be swung unto the enemy, its mere presence can ward off the enemies attack. However, understand that the sword is no good if you do not know how to swing it. In other words, if you do not study your word and understand, it is of no help while in your possession.
I am a lover of clothes, shoes, and all things in fashion that make me look good, presentable, and appealing when I step out in public. However, in my short life I have learned that there is no better outfit with style, relevance, and protection than the Whole amour of God. Lastly, remember that we must carry all of these pieces with us. We would never wear a shirt with no pants, nor a hat with no shoes. So, just as this seems unorthodox, acquiring one piece of the amour without the other does as well. Dwell on it. The pen just had to testify.
God bless!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Female Wake-up Call

OK, so I was inspired to speak upon a prevalent issue due to some sequence of events that occurred recently. Therefore, it is time to let the pen testify.
I will refer to woman as an object rather than a person as I break this down. Woman is a strong, independent, and intelligent entity of this world where we reside. Made by God’s own precious hands, woman was intricately, and purposefully made in the way that she is. However, the problem arises when woman allows the “traits of virus” to come into play.
Now, let me digress for a moment to explain “traits of virus.” A virus is a microscopic infectious agent that can reproduce only inside a host cell. The word microscopic is important, because most of the time these traits are picked up without even the smallest notification. Whether it is by what has been seen, or societies inhabitants, these traits sink into the pattern of woman. Woman, being the host that this virus preys on, becomes the victim of this plague.
There are just a couple of scenarios I would like to expound on to further explain the nature of this conversation. First, and a big one, The Stance of Insecurities. Now, before I explain further, let me state that I am aware all beings possess insecurities. Readers, you know when you try to make a point, someone brings forth preconceived notions as if the writer didn’t take the whole picture under consideration. Ok, so now that we are clear about that, why is it that if woman is strong, independent, and has the “I am woman hear me roar mentality” she feels as if she is inadequate? Her inadequacies exist mainly when A) in a female forum where a myriad of women are present, or B) Another woman is in close proximity of a male. Instead of changing the things that make her insecure, she negatively responds to those around her in different ways. Yo, seriously I am gonna need us to rise above that. If it is your weight, lose it, or be proud of it. If it is your hair, weave it up, cut it, wax it, or be content with it. Your clothes? Hire a stylist, pay attention to magazines, and what‘s “in“, or for goodness sake just wear the pre-made outfit on the manikins outside the stores. Whatever you do, stop lashing out on the ladies in the midst of you because there is an internal issue. As far as point B is concerned; sweeties, I am going to need us to truly get a grip when it comes to trusting and interacting with our men. Do not allow your insecurities to cloud your judgment of trust and loyalty with your companion. And for heavens sake, PLEASE do not lash out on the females that we think are “trying to steal our men” just because we don’t measure up in our own eyes.
Scenario number two, The Crab in the Bucket Mentality. Women we need to stop having this crab in a bucket mentality amongst ourselves. It is just something that preys on our host over and over in this arena. For instance, a new girl walks in the room with a group of ladies already sitting there. She is decked down, walking with confidence, and head is held high. However, instead of saying “go head girl” or “ she better do it” what is it that we say? Go ahead ladies tell me? Well, I’ll tell you, we quickly suck our teeth roll our necks and say “she think she all that” or “what she got on” even “who does she think she is?” In all actuality, we do not know what she thinks. Ladies we must get out of that mindset.
I was walking in the airport, and if you know me I am a lover of shoes. While waiting at baggage claim I stand and glance at all the advertisement on the walls. Now, clearly I was interrupted by a face looking me up and down, and stayed on my shoes an extended amount of time. When she decided to retire from paying attention to me, another lady said “Girl, those shoes are BAD!” I told her thanks, and as I did, I saw the neck roll affectionately known as “turkey neck” take place. Now, some might say, “how do you know she was doing that to you?” Glad you asked. I know because as she rolled her neck, I heard her say to a friend “her shoes ain’t all that!” That was definitely not necessary. If they weren’t all that, she definitely took 10 minutes staring to figure that out.
I’m going to tie this all up. However, I need to bring a spiritual remix to my previous statements. Now, in Romans 12:3 it reads, "Try to have a sane estimate of your capabilities by the light of the faith that God has given to you all." Regardless of what we think we are, or we feel we are not, we must grasp a tangible definition of our being. This definition should not be defined by others, society, or any other person, but you in the guidelines of God. If we as women form a united front in the place of a forum of dissention, there would be a power exuded to progress and conquer.
Dwell on it...Give feedback. My pen just had to testify.
Be blessed!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Essence of a Tear

Crying so hard the tears bleed excessively;
Clotting became extinct over times hence.
Numerous levels of grief stand in a silence awaiting its selection;
Hesitating to make a move for she may grasp it.
Relinquishing the bittersweet fallacies society has produced frequently;
Epitomizing environmental production of neglect, oversight, and undetection;
Pure negative succession.
“Who will cry for the little boy?"
Well, what about the girl who weeps?
Her foundation built with unsung dreams- the only evidence of strength resides in its branches.
She produces success, positives, and gains on the limbs of her life's tree;
But even with seen production it perished because of its foundation.
"Now, that's what you call strange fruit."
Shielded with the armor of silence, and a sword of secrecy;
Annihilated by the capacities which encamped throughout her soul's present state.
Transparency existed much with specialized vision;
For it was a known angle degree to detect her pain's dimension.
Vivid memory and recollection surpassed known factors and aspects;
Repetitious entrapment of the mind resounds in a midnight so far that even a supernova couldn't map out its location.
Reaching for an extension hoping one exists, yet grabbing emptiness provides a filled void.
"Girl Interrupted"

She laid there at 90 degrees latitude; so cold inside to bear.
A product of her environment, embracing the existence of his longitude- "yea" she'd go there. The power of the stroke exuded the only confidence she obtained;
The only feeling of belonging possessed as she released out like a bank side reservoir.
Hidden by the appellations designated over time,
masked under false pretenses that came true while she was blind.
Victimized in the whirlwind of life's negativity;
She evolved in a repetitious act of pure instability.
She defined her talent as the flexibility, and durability of her limbs;
A trapeze act is what she became while lacking validity in her being.
As she spread her legs across countries, and rendered her heart within deserts, she slowly diminished inside, requesting love each time she performed.
Her moan equaled cries, and screams meant pain;
Longing for arms of love, yet men only boasted when she'd call out their name.
As she thirsted upon his entity, she cried "deeper" for his emphasis;
Believing that with every modulation she'd obtain a presence in someone's eyes.
Reverting back to emptiness after the rise becomes a fall, she lays there in a hollow place praying for a revelation.
Not knowing that when she opens up she allows entrance to the wrong hole;
Leaving the heart still empty, retrieving again the same stronghold.
Definition is lacking in her acts, which ignites her heart being abducted;
She lays there in that same latitude-COLD; "Girl Interrupted."
Pardon the metaphoric vernacular used in this piece, however, after talking with some young ladies that other day, I was inspired to let the pen testify. We have to throw our arms around our young ladies. Allow them to understand that we have a respect that is due to us just because of our mere existence. However, that respect is not given, we must exude the magnetic appeal so that others know it shall be rendered unto us. Proclaim to them that society does not define beauty, you define your own. And most of all, remind them that before we can love we must first love ourselves.
Refocusing the Mission

"To thine own self be true."
Wisdom on interpersonal aspects to we;
you see I'm defined not by my worth,
but by what "they" see.
I am the knee that's bent at ninety degrees;
I am the single mother waiting as she begs and pleads.
Acknowledging the patterns society has set;
Realizing the equality; "Are our needs really met?"
I'm the eye that stays open to the toxic support,
just the simple ricochet of the mission abort-
Ted, was the reason for many lives being stole;
but tell me this, "if society kills, do they play the same role?"
Silence resides in a world of iniquity;
we're asked to release, but tell me who'll catch me?
I'm the man that takes a stand on unsteady ground;
I'm the road without footprints that makes our youth turn around.
I'm the vision that has perished because they shot me down;
I'm the man without a plan because the man never existed.
However, the difference is I changed my book, i didn't just change the page.
The pattern of my walk described another stride in my stage.
Now, we walk the same road, only detours didn't strike my intellect;
So, I stay on the road until I reach that level;
That level of no turning back.
A Writer's Motive

My mind is a vessel of its own right. It matriculates through words, visions, and emotions; releasing what society might not understand, mankind adds labels, and hearts house. Thus, resulting in a breakdown. Not of a body, but of a mind. A mind that does not purge. Because of this-I write.
He had Me

He had me, possessed me, on the verge of owning me, at the climax of this thing;
The heart, the soul, the body he had;
with the mind continuously fixated upon him.
It was as if the Leaning Tower became aligned, and the ripples of the waters stood still;
Much like the river of Styx,
I was covered with the exception of my sin; my Achilles Heel.
He had me, obtained me, really had me invested in;
My mind was entangled through the illusions set forth, and tied my soul within.
It was as if the sun shined never-ending, and the moon had retired indefinitely;
Releasing the dew of the morning all hours of the day,
and All 12 months resembled March, April, and May.
He had me, retrieved me, had me falling as I stood;
Even when I tried to resist the strong hold, it did me no apparent good.
He had me where he held my heart to determine the fate it would assume;
He broke my heart over continents that detached like the Pangaea theory- left much room.
He had me then he released his hold, but the grip was accustomed to my heart;
It became automatic much like breathing, but he never understood that part.
Withdrawal took place from the hold he had and I met a hold with much more strength;
Now, I am in a battle between two holds, but I rather keep my soul and sacrifice the asked tenth.
The She who was He

She stood on the corner constant and still, awaiting her moment to arrive;
Owned nothing but her name, and even that was unsure,
with the constant travel of her belonging.
Yet she sat, longing, waiting, for a hand to come and yield;
or even lend a hand to grip;
Then along came a soul to quench her thirst, however wouldn't render her a single sip.
Again she remained in the groove of her seat,
relentless in the motionless squat;
Revealing none of her emotions or relevance,
And to move an inch she chose not.
So, she remained in her way through all distractions in the same spot yet again;
Then along came a being to provide a presence,
But their heart wouldn't let her in.
Tenacious, relentless, again and again, the spot she consumed stayed occupied;
With a stillness of her presence, an endless state, she remained while others denied.
She wandered no where, never moved an inch for the reasons only she possessed;
Hovering over, back arched great, hands caving deep within her chest.
Then along came an outlet from her stability,
no longer would she continue to sit;
But as she motioned to leave her place, the connection of the helping hand split.
Steadfast, remaining, dwelling;
holding true to her current place of residence;
Never uttering a word, or casting a complaint, she stayed in a pain so immense.
Fragile in the physical, emotional, and mental states of her body's temple;
Others overlooked her existence, and found her sitting extremely simple.
Along came a support to end her strife and obtained the capacity to resurrect her state;
But as she began to ask for help, an interjection speaks, "well, it's kinda late."
Days went by, then months, then years, as the woman remained in her place;
Over and over she was overlooked, and occupied irrelevant space.
But the last days came, and in that moment all those that overlooked her began to stare;
In the spot once rented out, she no longer sat there.
Thereafter arrived and all beings gathered at the gates as it was foretold;
One after another they all stood up awaiting the destination of their soul.
But they got a surprise, they couldn't enter in, the Father said, "My child I know you not."
And as they questioned the final judgment, God said "Think back-I was the lady in that spot."
Empty Prayers

When we venture out into the world's endeavors, we find that there are many instruction manuals, guides, and rules that must be followed for successful solutions to be retrieved. Whether it is an educational experience, how to play a game, or even to prepare a dish, there are instructions. With all this being true, we as Christians must realize that there is a certain guideline we must follow to add substance to our prayers.
In Matthew 6:9-13, it tells us what to pray. However, just as the English language is given to us, and different ethnic groups place their spin on its vernacular, that's how The Lord's Prayer is. We must place a remix on our prayers to personalize, energized, and centralize our prayers.
The bible tells us in Matthew 7:7 "ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened." So, then, if this is how we have been directed, why do we spend our time wandering aimlessly in the realm of negativity? We block our own prayers by continuously revisiting our personal illnesses, losses, and obstacles instead of focusing on a gain.
Take your minds back to when we were children. We always needed things and wanted things. We asked and asked for things left, and right. Majority of the time it was granted. But, O when we received what we asked for, and remembered to say "thank you mom/dad. Even if it were not by words, but action, when we did that our parents were more prone to giving us what we asked for in the future. The bible tells us in Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." We need to learn to reverse, eliminate, and add some things in our prayers. How do u ask for something before even expressing thanks for what was previously given? If we begin our prayers with words and cries of thanksgiving just imagine how our awesome Father will feel blessing us once more. He doesn't need us to stroke his ego, trust me. Just as we read in Genesis, whenever he created parts of the world as we know it he would say "it was good." So trust, God can applaud himself. However, we appear more dedicated and faithful when we glorify him. This adds substance to the prayer.
Who knew emptiness could feel so heavy. This may be a deep statement, however it is just plain simple: emptiness is heavy because without substance we lose sight of God. We've lost the call that he answers to. Let's revive and stir up the void that's present.
James 4:3, tells us that we must have the correct motives for our prayers. We should not pray for things out of greed, and malicious motives. However, pray for things in the will of God. Pray for things money can't buy and man cannot provide. Pray with a whole heart, a compassionate heart, and a righteous heart.
To collectively bring this together, let's all try to revise some things in our dialogue with God. We must become more aware of the things we ask for. Most of all, develop a pray that brings God's presence around you while speaking. Lastly, understand that praying to God is a dialogue; not only do we need to talk to him, but we also must meditate and listen for God's reply.
Be blessed!
Failure to Launch

There was a Paramount Pictures Production in 2006 entitled “Failure to Launch.” This movie starred Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker. Now, I have not fully seen this movie, but the title served more of a purpose than for the movie if we take a closer look.
In our day to day journey, we face many obstacles in life that take on a parachute-like power over us. Now, someone is probably wondering what I mean by this. To break it down, place your mind on that of a person about to jump out of a plane. Now, when they jump they receive an invigorating experience that some has even called a rush. The thing about this is, the rush is short-lived because the moment comes that they have to yank on this pulley that releases this parachute. Now, once this parachute is released, the person immediately springs up quickly , followed by a slow downfall to the ground.
Now, revert back to my words so that I can break this down. Although we are not that person that jumps out of a plane, we carry out those same motions in our mundane strides. Whether it is in our careers, education, family, relationships, finances, whatever the case may be, we come in contact with these parachute-like powers. As a career oriented person, you climb the corporate ladder, and when you are on top of your game you feel as if you cannot be touch. However, that day comes when you don’t give a compelling presentation as the past instances, or a new kid on the block comes and is “stealing your shine.” What happens then? What happens is, that flesh steps in and the parachute-like power comes and takes your mind off the ladder God placed for you to climb. What use to be a confident walk, talk, and presence now becomes doubt, distress, and fleshful acts. The thing we fail to realize is that while we are wallowing in our depression, we are implementing that “parachute- like power” on ourselves. Just because God gives you an alternate route to reach the destination, does not mean that you give up and lose faith. Do not victimize yourself, know that God has a reason. Detach that parachute so you can continue climbing that corporate ladder in the way God intended.I want to shed light on a small detail about the parachute-like power that I forgot to mention, and you as the reader may have missed. When the parachute is pulled, one is immediately forced upward. This is how we mislead ourselves and end up deterring from the path God intended.
We will travel roads that aren’t set out for us all because they appear to reap positive benefits. However, this is how the parachute-like power steps in because it takes you upward before it drives you under the ground. Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.
The blame game is a common game played by many of us daily. If things aren’t going our way, we wont seek God for assistance, instead we point the finger. My family, my friends, my finances, and the most famous one; I am a product of my environment. We have gotten things mixed up. The problem lies within ourselves. We have not because we ask not. In the book of Matthew, we are told to ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, and knock on the door and it shall be opened unto you. However, we allow that parachute to hinder us time and time again. We are so busy trying to open doors that aren’t good for us, entering doors before knocking, and trying to enter places that don’t even posses a door. It is also amazing how we mistake the action of seeking for looking. There is a major difference. In seeking the things we ask God for, we must pray, fast, and listen while God answers. However, we resort to looking, the generic version of seeking, all because it's easier, requires less time, and allows us to lean in our own understanding. We continue to stay on lower levels because we do not take God’s promises seriously. And that my friend is no one’s fault but our own.
It is easy being mediocre, however, God wants us to excel and reach greater heights. We are failing to launch everyday because we get comfortable in our present states. Realize that God is pleased when we do the things he asks of us, and then and only then will we receive those blessings. Focus your mind on this passage; Nehemiah 8:10 Tells us that “the joy of the Lord is my strength.” Some missed the blessing in this passage. The JOY of the Lord is my strength. This means every time God sees us doing the things he asks of us, he is overjoyed. When we praise him in the midst of adversity, God is overjoyed. When we bless those that curse us, God is overjoyed. And what happens is, that joy meter raises up, and as it raises he blesses us. Now, those blessings are the source of that strength. He gets so happy with seeing us praise Him in all circumstances that he strengthens us more and more. Try it for yourself….He is not a man that he should lie.
To sum all this up, do not travel this life wandering aimlessly trying to figure out this journey on your own. When that is done, you run into the parachute-like powers that come to bring you down. The biggest part of this, if you do not leave with anything else, EVERYTHING we need is all in God hands. When we please God we are making our blessings greater. However, to receive Him, and these blessings, we must remember this thing; As said in Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” God doesn’t want luke warm followers. Believe in him, trust him, and do not be hindered by those parachute-like powers. When you realize and administer these things to your life, you will prepare for take off.
God bless!
Weathering the Storm

We have all witnessed storms. Rainstorms, tropical storms, thunderstorms, or maybe even snow storms. We have seen the winds blow, heard the rain fall, seen the lightening flash, and all the components that come with a storm-we‘ve experienced. In these events, when we witness these storm, or they begin to form, we as a people take cover in our homes, or in nearest shelter.
Now, storms that we experience can be light or strong, but I think we all can agree that there is nothing more powerful than going through the storms in our lives. The storms begin to rage in our relationships, finances, health, and every entity that exists in our lives, and we ask the question “why?” The rain begins to fall in the same sequence with tears, and we ask “why?” The thunder begins to roar in the midst of our successes, and we ask “why?” Now, some say there is an issue in asking God why, however, I believe that if God is the bearer of all the answers, the Alpha and Omega, the all and all, then why is it that we cannot ask Him a question? In class, what good is the teacher if we cannot ask a question? What good is the doctor if we cannot ask a question about our health? Do not get me wrong, God can determine whether he will answer or not, show you or not, and when and where this “Ah-Ha” moment will take place. But if you have a relationship with the most high, I do not see the problem, and I know God does not mind for his child to ask him why.
It has been said that if we do not want to know the answer to questions, do not ask them. Furthermore, if we do not want to find something, don’t go looking for it. It is a common law that has been place forth by society. However, if you ask me, this also applies to God’s purpose for our lives. When the storms of life rage, and we can’t find our way; When things seem grim and we can’t see the sunshine anywhere, and we ask God why, we must be prepared for the answers. Not only the answers, but to be able to submit, step aside and let God to what he does best.
The biggest thing about a storm is that we never know when it is coming. Sometimes we can be walking outside, and the sun is shining and all of a sudden, the skies begin to turn grey. Now, this is exactly how the storms in our lives arise. We could be on the top of our careers, finances stable, health in good tact, and things are just pleasing to our eye, but just as things are going well, the skies turn grey. You lose your job, the doctor gives you a bad report, your friends turn their backs on you, and you begin to hang your head, and ask God why? Just in this moment, remember God wants you to remain faithful to his word. He wants us to remain steadfast even when things seem like they can’t be turned around. It is said in Isaiah 40:29 “He gives power to the weak. He increases the strength of him who has no might.” So, just when you think that things can’t get better remember what His word tell us.
Finally, the things we must realize about a storm is that we have to be prepared. I see often in cars, and homes, we all keep umbrellas, ponchos, and rain boots on deck. Even when the sun is brewing at its greatest heat, we make sure we have them in our midst. This is how God wants us to view his word (the Bible), and the teachings that have been given to us through preaching. What good is the umbrella when it rains, and we leave it in the car? What good are the rain boots if we step in the puddle without them on our feet? And just as all these rain accessories, what good is the word of God if we do not apply it to our lives?
The biggest glory we have; and somebody should begin thanking God as they read this is; Just as storms hit Florida, New Orleans, Texas, and numerous places, they sent out the storm relief foundation of the American Red Cross. But OH! In the same measure, when we experience the storms in our lives, you need to remember the TRUE CROSS! Just as the song states;
“At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,And the burden of my heart rolled away,It was there by faith I received my sight,And now I am happy all the day!”
So, my friend, No matter the storm of sickness, no matter the thunder of those lying on you, regardless of the lightning of heartache, God is preparing you to go higher. When the toughest of the tough storms brew, and they run their course, it is known that the sun is the next thing to follow. Somebody should thank God in that moment. Do not be confused about who kept you through your storms. You are just a single “THANK YOU JESUS” from a break through; a “PRAISE YOUR NAME” from a healing; a “HALLELUJAH” from a blow your mind experience. No matter the storms that arise, and exist, know that God has equipped you, has a purpose for this storm, and is awaiting to bless you when you make it out of it.
God bless you!
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